2022 Virtual Degree Expo
The 2022 Degree Expo will showcase degree options, insight on program details, career options, and answer your top questions. It’s a one-stop-shop for exploring your possibilities.
The virtual event will offer 20 break-out sessions hosted by UCF Colleges and Departments ready to provide information about their degrees and answer any questions you may have. You won’t want to miss this event! There is no cost to participate in the event.
11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Presenter: Georgia Kent
Transfer Success at UCF
Presenter: Kim Poppert
11:30 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.
Session 1: 11:30 a.m. -12:05 p.m.
Learn about the Office of Professional Development in the College of Business at UCF, the majors we offer, which courses are important to take prior to transferring, and how our team helps our students Get to the One!
Presenter: Amber Moebs
UCF Psychology Department
Information about what courses and opportunities to look forward to for future Psychology majors at UCF including courses that can be taken prior to transferring. Prospective Psychology majors can also email Psychadvising@ucf.edu.
Presenter: Erin Grainger
UCF Study Abroad
Join UCF Study Abroad to find out all about various Study Abroad Experiences available
Presenter: Daren Caine
College of Nursing, Undergraduate Student Services
Please join the College of Nursing to learn about BSN program options, admissions process, nursing prerequisites, TEAS exam, application deadlines, and how to get involved with nursing student organizations.
Presenter: Ashley Crawford
College of Community Innovation & Education, Undergraduate Affairs
The College of Community Innovation and Education (CCIE) Undergraduate Affairs will discuss options for careers and majors in teaching, health management, and public service.
Presenter: Layla Archer
In the “Get To Know EL” presentation you will learn about resources available and how Experiential Learning can assist you.
Presenter: Sandra-Leon Barth
UCF School of Visual Arts and Design
This presentation will engage the senses and inspire your imagination to pursue a course of study in Architecture, Art, Emerging Media, Photography, and Studio Art. Minors include Art History, Community Arts, and Studio Art.
Presenter: Marlene Agostini
UCF College of Medicine,: Undergraduate Student Advising
“I Think I Know What I Want To Be When I Grow Up: How to Use a College of Medicine Bachelors of Science Degree Without Attending Medical School” will introduce students to College of Medicine majors, and share tips for academic success in the college. We will also discuss a variety of carrers available to students who wish to study biomedical and life sciences but are not interested in medical school.
Presenter: Lauren Murray-Lemon
UCF Anthropology Department
In this information session, Drs. Sandra Wheeler and Amanda Groff, will provide details about the on-campus and online Bachelor of Arts programs in Anthropology at UCF. These programs instill a broad understanding of what it means to be human in both the past and present and equips students with methods and marketable skills for today’s career opportunities.
Presenter: Amanda Groff, Sandra Wheeler
UCF College of Health Professions and Sciences
A brief overview into the four degree programs offered by the College of Health Professions and Sciences, including sample courses and future careers.
Presenter: Megan Whalen
Session 2: 12:10 p.m. -12:45 p.m.
UCF College of Sciences, Nicholson School of Communication and Media
Communication and Media majors program overview.
Presenter: Michelle Dusseau
UCF Department of Writing and Rhetoric
The Writing and Rhetoric BA, minor, and certificate programs are designed for students who want to sharpen language skills, develop leadership abilities, and hone the knowledge needed to solve real-world problems in their workplaces and communities. In this presentation, you’ll learn the critical role writing and speaking well plays in whatever career path you choose, and how the Department of Writing and Rhetoric can help get you wherever you’re going.
Presenter: Stephanie Wheeler
UCF School of Public Administration
At the UCF School of Public Administration, we are dedicated to preparing undergraduate and graduate students who will serve and lead in careers in nonprofit management, urban and regional planning, research administration, emergency management, public administration and public policy. This presentation will provide an overview of the various academic programs that can lead to a career in public service.
Presenter: Stephanie Krick
College of Arts and Humanities, Student Advising
During this presentation you will have an opportunity to learn more about majors, minors, and certificates offered in the College of Arts and Humanities and chat with CAHSA advisors.
Presenter: Kendra Gilbertson, Jessica Dorfman
College of Engineering & Computer Science, Academic Support Services
Description of each major offered in the College of Engineering and Computer Science with critical course prerequisite information to be prepared for a seamless transfer.
Presenter: Anna Canlon, Laura Beth Rogers, and Ashley Duprat
Division of Student Learning & Academic Success, Knights Major Exploration & Transition Center
The Knights Major Exploration and Transition Center (KMETC) is designed to guide students through an organized approach to major exploration. This presentation will discuss the components of the Major Exploration Progam (MEP) and how our professional Academic Advisors and Peer Coaches support undeclared students through the process of selecting an appropriate major.
Presenter: Sara Dye
UCF School of Criminal Justice
Overview of Criminal Justice BA/BS and BA/BS Scholars Track, Certificates, Internships, Careers, and Graduate Program.
Presenter: Cory Watkins, Todd Bricker, and Matthew Matusiak
School of Global Health Management and Information, Health Services Administration
During this presentation you will receive general information about the Health Services Administration major.
Presenter: Armando Pietro
UCF Downtown Student Services
Overview of UCF Downtown Campus including programs, services, and resources.
Presenter: Lorena Roedan and Andrea Casanova
UCF College of Sciences, Academic Services
UCF College of Sciences Advising Services will provide valuable information on degree programs offered by the College of Sciences
Presenter: Jenn Rosse
UCF Rosen College of Hospitality Management, Academic Advising
Overview of Rosen College of Hospitality Management program options.
Presenter: Tijuana Rollins