This feature shows you what your degree program might look like if you plan on changing or declaring a new major/minor/ in the future.

The What-If Report button is located directly underneath the Preferences section.  

View Your plan

Let’s see what our plan would look like if we were to change our major to Economics.

1. First, select the college to which the new area of study belongs using the dropdown menu under Academic Program. Economics is part of the College of Business.

2. Next, select your major from the dropdown menu under Area of Study.

3. In the Plan Term column, choose the semester you plan to declare your new major/minor.

4. Click Continue to view your What-If Report.

View Your plan

Now you’ll be able to see the recommended semester-by-semester sequence of courses if you were to change your degree program. The report will also show which courses you’ve already completed.

5. Click Close to return to the dashboard.