The Pegasus Path makes recommendations and provides guidance, but you have to create and follow the plan that works best for you. Once you adjust your plan to meet your personal preferences and planned graduation date, the suggestions Pegasus Path offers will change accordingly.
Related FAQs
No. The Pegasus Path is a planning tool only. If you are considering a change to your major or minor, create a “What-If?” report to see how that will affect your graduation timeline. But if you decide to go ahead with the change, you must submit an online change of major form using myUCF. Instructions are available on the Registrar’s Office website. When your change is accepted, your Pegasus Path plan will re-calibrate.
No. You must submit your Intent to Graduate application through myUCF in the Student Center section. To access this section, login to myUCF, select Student Self Service, Student Center, and then select Intent to Graduate: Apply in the drop-down box under Academics. To make sure you submit your application for graduation on time, see the UCF Academic Calendar.
Pegasus Path is a powerful planning tool, but meeting with an advisor is critical to putting those plans in motion. Your advisor will provide you with invaluable information about courses and available resources that goes beyond the level of detail available in Pegasus Path.
Based on your catalog year, your plan will include up-to-date program requirements, curriculum and academic policy changes.
Use mySchedule Builder to see the dates and times classes are offered, preview and compare possible class schedules to find the one that works best for you and register for the classes you selected.
You must declare a major to use the functions in Pegasus Path. You can, however, create “What-If?” reports for majors you’re considering, to see the courses and timelines each one entails.
If your data does not match between your audit and plan, please submit a ServiceNow Pegasus Path ticket so that we can determine what is causing the discrepancy.
The myKnight Audit is the official tool for listing your degree requirements and tracking the courses you’ve completed. Not all courses with credits earned and reflected in myKnight Audit will appear in the Pegasus Path. If you have any questions, please contact your advisor.
The Pegasus Path provides you with a 360-degree view of learning experiences available to you as a UCF student. Based on your major, you’ll be prompted to explore and participate in educational opportunities, such as internships and study abroad and take advantage of resources, like Career Services. The tool also suggests co-curricular experiences such as joining a student organization or participating in student government. Acting on these recommendations will help you build your resume and make you a stronger job and graduate school applicant.
The audit with planned courses will show how your planned courses in Pegasus Path will land on your myKnight audit. If you plan all courses, you can run the audit with planned courses to see if you meet the major, minor and/or certificate requirements.
This function is for planning purposes only.
If you are considering a major/minor change, the “What-If?” function shows you how your completed credits would apply to the new program of study and how your graduation date will be impacted. Keep in mind that this is just a planning function. Changes to your major or minor can only be made online through myUCF.
The Pegasus Path report displays a semester-by-semester sequence of courses that have been completed, are in progress, or are included in your academic plan.
These tools work together. The Pegasus Path is a planning tool that uses the information from your myKnight Audit and recommends the sequence of courses to fulfill general education, major and minor requirements. Your path takes into account completed courses, transfer and IB/AP credits.
The myKnight Audit remains the official tool for outlining degree requirements, indicating the courses you’ve successfully completed and certifying that you’ve completed all of your degree requirements required for graduation.
mySchedule Builder is a course scheduling tool that allows you to see the dates and times classes are offered, preview and compare possible class schedules to find the one that works best for you and register for the classes you selected.
Pegasus Path is a new interactive degree planning tool that will help you get from orientation to graduation. The tool will show you a semester-by-semester sequence of required courses based on your degree program, as well as academic milestones, essential academic experiences and suggested co-curricular activities.
The Pegasus Path is an interactive degree planning tool for UCF’s undergraduates. It uses information from your myKnight Audit, the undergraduate course catalog and input from your advisors to create a recommended academic plan based on your major. You can then customize that plan to fit your schedule and preferences, building a personalized roadmap to graduation.
The Pegasus Path will alert you to scheduling conflicts in your proposed plan, or if you’re taking on an especially challenging course combination. It will also remind you of important milestones, like the deadline for applying for graduation.
It also recommends learning experiences, like internships and study abroad related to your course of study. So, using Pegasus Path will not only help you graduate on time but make you more marketable to potential employers and a more competitive graduate school applicant.
In addition to helping you stay on track for graduation, you can use Pegasus Path to get a snapshot of your progress. Its reports and audits show you the courses you’ve completed and classes that are still required for the completion of your degree. If you’re thinking about changing your major or adding a minor, a “What-If?” report will show you what courses you’d need to pick up and how the change would affect your graduation timeline.
Finally, Pegasus Path serves as a portal for your advisor to communicate with you.
Please submit a UCF ServiceNow ticket for Pegasus Path.
Pegasus Path will include multiple declared majors, minors and certificates.
Failed courses that are required for your major will stay on your plan until you satisfactorily complete the course.
Transferred courses that are needed for your major or minor are included in your myKnight Audit and listed on your transcript are part of your Pegasus Path plan. They are part of your Pegasus Path Report and are viewable in the Overview section of your plan.